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CS-1 Quickstart Guide for ALCF

November 2020

Note: For support or questions, please contact

This guide provides a quickstart guide to running a training job on the ALCF CS-1 cluster with SLURM, using a simple FC model as a demo model.

For more details on how to prepare a model for CS-1 and on the execution model, please see the full CS-1 ML User Guide.

1. Log in to the CS-1 medulla cluster at ALCF

In order to login, you need a CELS ldap account. Go to and create an account. After that, request to join a project named "Cerebras".

The CS-1 support cluster accepts connections from CELS homes nodes ( You can connect to CELS homes nodes first and ssh to cs1. See for connecting homes nodes.

For your convenience, you can set an ssh proxy as below,

# ssh proxy setting ~/.ssh/config
ControlPath ~/.ssh/.control_channels/%h:%p:%r
Host login-gce
User [username]
ControlMaster auto
ControlPersist yes
LogLevel FATAL

Host homes-gce
User [username]
ProxyCommand ssh login-gce -q -W %h:%p
ForwardX11 yes

Host cs1-gce
ProxyCommand ssh login-gce -q -W %h:%p


ssh cs1-gce

2. Clone model zoo repository to home directory

Currently, the Cerebras ModelZoo repo is private. Please contact, cc: with your Github username and "UChicago ModelZoo Access" in the subject line.

git clone

In the modelzoo directory, you should see several examples. To name a few:

  1. fc_mnist, A simple multi-layer perceptron model composed of fully-connected layers for performing handwriting recognition on the MNIST dataset. Check for more detail.

  2. bert, BERT model implementation. Check for more detail.

  3. rnn_sentiment, LSTM-based sentiment analysis model that predicts sentiment type on a passage

Model zoo walkthrough video is available here.

For the purposes of this quickstart, we will use the fc_mnist model.

cd modelzoo/fc_mnist/tf/

3. Running a model with Slurm on CS-1

For more details on Slurm options please see the full CS-1 User Guide section Executing a training job on CS-1 with Slurm.

The common below trains the simple FC model for 100,000 steps, takes a checkpoint every 10,000 steps, and tells Slurm to launch 1 input worker node to feed the training job. The num_steps and save_checkpoints_steps parameters can also be set in the params.yml file.

NUM_WORKER_NODES=1 srun_train python --mode train --cs_ip --max_steps 100000

After running this command, you should see similar output to the below:

srun: job 5834 queued and waiting for resources
srun: job 5834 has been allocated resources
INFO:tensorflow:Graph was finalized.
INFO:tensorflow:Running local_init_op.
INFO:tensorflow:Done running local_init_op.
INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 0 into model_dir/model.ckpt.
INFO:tensorflow:Programming CS-1 fabric. This may take a couple of minutes - please do not interrupt.
INFO:tensorflow:Fabric programmed
INFO:tensorflow:Coordinator fully up. Waiting for Streaming (using 0.97% out of 301600 cores on the fabric)
INFO:tensorflow:Graph was finalized.
INFO:tensorflow:Running local_init_op.
INFO:tensorflow:Done running local_init_op.
INFO:tensorflow:Training finished with 25600000 samples in 187.465 seconds, 136558.69 samples / second
INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 100000 into model_dir/model.ckpt.
INFO:tensorflow:global step 100000: loss = 1.901388168334961e-05 (532.0 steps/sec)
INFO:tensorflow:global step 100000: loss = 1.901388168334961e-05 (532.0 steps/sec)
INFO:tensorflow:Loss for final step: 1.9e-05.

Training and Evaluating on CPU

To train and eval on CPU, run the Cerebras Singularity container in interactive mode, then run the script, specifying ‘train’ or ‘eval’ for the ‘--mode’ script argument. In these scripts, if the cs_ip address is not specified, it will automatically run on CPU.

1. Navigate to model directory

cd modelzoo/fc_mnist/tf/

2. Run salloc_node, which will both start the Cerebras Singularity container in interactive shell mode and reserve a worker CPU node in the CS-1 Slurm cluster


3. Train and evaluate the model on CPU

# train the simple model on CPU
Singularity> python --mode train

# run eval on the simple model on CPU
Singularity> python --mode eval

Fast iteration and precompilation on CPU

CerebrasEstimator provides a lightweight model "verification" mode through the compile() function. In this mode, compile() will only run through the first few stages of the Cerebras Graph Compiler (CGC), up until kernel library matching. This step is very fast and allows you to quickly iterate on your model code and determine if you are using any TensorFlow layers or functionality that is unsupported by either XLA or CGC.

1. Navigate to model directory

cd modelzoo/fc_mnist/tf/

2. Run the Cerebras Singularity container in interactive shell mode and reserve a worker CPU node in the Cerebras cluster

# do not use salloc_node
singularity shell -B /data /data/shared/software/singularity/cbcore_latest.sif

3. Run the compilation process in validate_only mode

Singularity> python --mode validate_only 
XLA Extraction Complete
=============== Starting Cerebras Compilation ===============
Cerebras compilation completed: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2/2 [00:02s,  1.23s/stages]
=============== Cerebras Compilation Completed ===============

validate_only mode checks kernel compatibility of your model. Once your model passes, run the full compilation to generate the CS-1 executable.

4. Run the full compilation process in compile_only mode

This runs the full compilation through all stages of the Cerebras software stack to generate a CS-1 executable.

Singularity> python --mode compile_only 
XLA Extraction Complete
=============== Starting Cerebras Compilation ===============
Cerebras compilation completed: |                    | 17/? [00:18s,  1.09s/stages]
=============== Cerebras Compilation Completed ===============

If this is successful, your model is guaranteed to run on CS-1. You can also use this mode to run pre-compilations of many different model configurations offline, so you can more fully utilize allotted CS-1 cluster time. CGC will detect if a binary already exists for a particular model config and will skip compiling on-the-fly during training if it detects one.